About Us



MSA delivers superior materials consultancy and expert witness services to owners, lawyers, loss assessors, insurance companies, contractors, and manufacturers.

We specialise in determining the underlying causes of deterioration, defects, and failures pertaining to all aspects of materials, components, assemblies, systems, and infrastructure.  Our analytical approach is meticulously designed to ensure a comprehensive investigation, with clear and concise reporting substantiated by solid factual evidence.



MSA’s Engineering Director brings forth over three decades of experience in the understanding of material behaviour at the atomic scale.  Drawing on a solid foundation, primarily in civil and Defence aerospace manufacturing and overhaul, Trevor’s expertise serves as a sturdy framework for assessing optimal materials selection and manufacturing processes, as well as analysing critical factors that contribute to material failure or suboptimal performance in service.

Qualifications & Professional Memberships

           • Engineers Australia Fellow (FIEAust)
           • Materials Australia Certified Materials Professional (CMatP)
           • Masters Preliminary (MEngSc.Prelim.)
           • Bachelor of Engineering (BEng Materials)
           • AS ISO 9712 Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Certifications
           • Engineering Design Authority
              – significant & non-significant changes to airframe & undercarriage components
           • Project Manager: NADCAP certification
           • Quality Manager: NATA Quality Systems
              – mechanical testing & NDT
           • Development & delivery of training courses
              – Materials Engineering, NDT, heat treatment
           • Certificate IV in Training & Assessment TAA40104


have included:

AAI Limited, AIG, Allianz, Ashurst Lawyers, Auto & General Insurance, Baker McKenzie, Barry Nilsson, Beca Group, Berkshire Hathaway, Calibre Insurance, Chubb Insurance, CHU Underwriting, CJ Arms, City of Ballarat, City of Casey, City of Dandenong, City of Glen Eira, City of Monash, City of Oakleigh, Consolidated Property Services, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Cornwalls, Crawford & Company, Crisp Legal, Cunningham Lindsey, Davey Pumps, Department of Education & Training, DMAW Lawyers, DLA Piper, Echelon Loss Adjusters, Equity Adjusters, Essendon Fields, FM Global, Gadens Lawyers, Geschke Plumbing, GJK Facility Services, Hall and Wilcox, Herbert Smith Freehills, Hunt & Hunt Lawyers, HWL Ebsworth, Integra Technical Services, ISS Facility Services, Iveco, Jarman McKenna, Jayco, Johnson Controls, Johnson Winter & Slattery, Jones Lang La Salle, Kennedys Law, King & Wood Mallesons Lawyers, Lander and Rogers, LCI Consultants, Lend Lease, Ligeti Partners, LMS Lawyers, Maddens Lawyers, Maddocks Lawyers, McCabes Lawyers, McCracken Lang, Meridian Lawyers, Minter Ellison, Mills Oakley, Mirvac, Molino Cahill Lawyers, Monash University, Moray & Agnew, Moores Legal, Morris Corp, Norton Rose Fulbright, Norris Coates Lawyers, Powerlink, QBE Insurance, Reece, Renold, Rio Tinto, Royal Women’s Hospital Melbourne, Saxbys Lawyers, Schembri Lawyers, Sedgwick, Shine Lawyers, Slater & Gordon, SLF Lawyers, Somerville Legal, Sparke Helmore, Spotless, SP Ausnet, Suzlon Energy, Suncorp, TAC, Technical Assessing, Thomson Geer, Tisher Liner FC Law, Turks Legal, Unidrive, Watermark, Wotton & Kearney, WorkSafe Victoria and many more.