Slip Resistance

compliance assessments

with engineering authority

  • MSA’s slip test reports offer a complete evaluation, including comprehensive data,  interpretation, classification, and evaluation of fitness for purpose
  • Years of experience covering all possible scopes of testing and materials
  • Assessments align with nationally recognized standards, codes, and legislation:
    – AS 4586:2013 Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surface materials
    – AS 4663:2013 Slip resistance measurement of existing pedestrian surfaces
    – Classifications assessed against HB 197 & HB 198 guidelines, relevant building codes and legislation (e.g. National Construction Code, OH&S/WHS, DDA, etc.)
  • Accident/incident Investigations: Forensic reports and expert witness services to all courts
  • Evaluations can cover lighting, activities, stairs, slopes, contamination, distractions, etc.
  • Provision of advice on remediation and recovery procedures
  • Cost-sensitive ongoing monitoring programs

Slip Testing

Slip and fall incidents are one of the main causes cited in personal injury litigation. Your investment in slip resistance compliance testing for your floor surface(s) indicates your awareness of your Duty of Care as an employer, owner, manager or occupier, to provide a safe working environment and safe access for visitors to your building.

Dry Floor Friction SLIP RESISTANCE Testing

  • Suitable for slip testing surfaces under dry conditions
  • Direct measure of friction between the test foot and floor surface
  • Utilizes the “Tortus,” an electronically powered device, to measure the dynamic Coefficient of Friction (CoF)
  • A weighted rubber slider is moved across the surface to generate test results

Wet Pendulum slip resistance Testing

  • Measures the slip resistance of surfaces susceptible to water contamination
  • Uses a spring-loaded rubber test slider exerting force as it slides across a wetted surface
  • Classification of the flooring surface is determined based on a minimum of 5 areas (specimens) tested
  • Results are expressed as a Slip Resistance Value (SRV) and assessed according to HB 197 & HB 198, the NCC,  as well as relevant building codes and legislation